It'a all about me..:)

Tagged by cik dida with **Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. **

Mak oii...banyaknya yang nak kena nulis ni. Nway, thanks to cik dida for remembering cik pidda, your social escort (muahahaha) at BCM dolu-dolu..:). At first, i don't know how tag works. Then, after consultation wif cik dida, she guided me how to wat menda alah ni..:)

So, these are 16 random things bout me! Enjoy reading, peeps!

1. Am a talkative lady! Very chatty. Tapi, menda ni apply to close buddies jek la. To strangers, am a bit slow at first, tapi pastu, saya yang paling banyak cakap..:)

2. I love shopping. I love designers' brand. Tapi takdak duit nak beli suma tu. Tunggu la nanti. Pelan-pelan kami kumpul duit..pastu sambar ferragamo satu ke, AIX satu ke..Insyallah. Been a year since I've to let go my major therapy, can't wait for March to come..:). Here I come, Pavvy!

3. Used to own a car. A tiny car, but I thank her a lot! Dia la dok bawak g keja time kat Utusan dulu. Then, sold off that car when me and hubby worked at the same place kat Kulim Hi-Tech.

4. I love my former jobs~ tak kira la time kat Utusan ke, BCM ke, Western Digital ke, I enjoyed working at those places. Cuma bila pkir my condition yang susah nak conceive, few times of miscarriage, cemana I suka sangat stay kat office sampai tak hingat nak balik, these are the reasons I am what I am now!

5. I love my other half so very much. Seriously, only death can tear us apart. But, sumtimes, I just don't understand. When we both quarrel, I hardly can forget what he said to me, his words, his face expression, dengan jelas dok main2 kat dalam kepala hotak aku ni..:( Hilang rasa sayang trus! Potong stim btul la..

6. Am an egoistic person. Hard-headed. Yang ni mmg I admit! I just can't help it. But, my appearance tak parallel ngan apa yang I cakap kan? Those who really close to me~ Pn Jaja, arwah Kak Yam, Cik Wani~ I guess hanya dierang saja yang tahu cemana I kat uni years dulu, kan?

7. I have what-is-called a "forgiving issue". Sangat susah nak maafkan org, coz I don't get mad easily. Selagi boleh sabar, I will! Tapi, once I lose my temper, then you'll know how bad it is.

8. Oii..banyaknya...ada lagik 8 to go! OK. Resolution saya tahun ni is to clear all debts (esp. my credit card debts). Housing loan mmg konpem puluhan tahun baru nak abis. Hihihih...And also, I really really really wanna help my better half in managing his penny. I know am a gud financial planner. Tak caya?

9. Just to let u guys know, I have owned a house, named Dealova. Cute tak nama umah tu? Located in SP, it's a twin bungalow house, and I dunno bila la berpeluang nak settle down kat sana. We went thru lots of obstacles bila mula2 start beli umah ni. How we struggled to pay the 10% downpayment, abis duit KWSP kitaorg..dengan duit lawyer, stamp duty, and etc. Ponat..ponat..But, I must say that we have successfully gone thru' the hardship phase walaupun banyak dugaan menimpa..:)

10. Waktu kat UPSI, I helped my auntie jual tudung. Memandangkan I kat PJ, so, slalu turun Jalan Tar beli macam2 tudung~manjalara la, air mata la, mata lalat la, etc. Then, sent it back to Penang. Laku btul...macam pisang goreng panas. Kedai kat Datuk Kailan pun takleh challenge kitaorgnye biz.:)

11. I think I have the talent to be a counselor. Cikgu2 kat school pun cakap camtu gak. Best jugak kalau pursue study in Psychology ni. Amik Masters ke, pastu carik sponsor untuk PHd. Best..Best..

12. I would love to be called as Pidda, Nurul, Fida and Pdok oleh kengkawan.

13. Ha..hobi yang slalu wat leh lupa..:) I love mountain climbing. So far, dah conquered Mt Kinabalu, Mt Datuk, Mt Nuang, Mt Bujang Melaka (tapi tak sampai peak bcoz sesat) and few bukit bukau. MAsuk hutan pun suka jugak. Mcm baru2 ni gi Endau Rompin Selai, Johor. Best!

14. Bleh tak nak stop sampai sini jek..? ~END OF LIST~

Bye peeps!


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