Creepy day of my life as a teacher!

Today is really a tough day for me! I've got one story to share wif my readers here. Here's the choronicles:

10.30 am: This is the period for Pendidikan Moral Ting 4 ( I also teach KH ok..:)). FYI, I have to take this subject to complete my teaching hours as my core subject which is Rekacipta has been assigned to someone else. Itu la ruginya masuk sekolah lambat dari cikgu2 lain...:(. Never mind la...I won't stay long in this school. So, tak kisah la management nak kasi subjek apa pun. Kan cikgu ni boleh ajar semua...Dat's what the pentadbir always say to convince cikgu2 baru yang tak dapat nak ajar ikut opsyen kitaorg. Ok..speaking of Pendidikan Moral, kelas yang saya ajar ni are among the weakest class la. 3 classes sebenarnya, and combine jadi satu kelas. As you guys know, PM class is meant only for Non-Muslim students, so, in my class, ada budak itam and ada budak sepet..all together.

10.45: Only few of them came to the class on-time. 10.30 je dah terpacak depan kelas Moral menunggu cikgu datang. Very good of them! Where's the rest? Everytime I enter this class, I have to go and search for the them by myself. As usual, dierang mmg ada kat tempat melepak yang biasa. Di bawah pokok yang kurang rimbun pun...:(. Berborak dengan bahasa yang saya sendiri kurang faham. Lepas saya menjerit dengan sora kecik saya ni, baru la terhegeh2 budak2 tuh berlari masuk ke kelas.

10.50: Tanpa kasik chance, I gave them demerit (-10!!). Padan ngan muka! Not that I cannot tolerate with them. I have warned them few times, and yet they still have the guts to do whatever they feel like to do! After that, many of them came to see me, begging me not to demerit them. Tahu pun takut!

10.50-11.05: Class went on as usual. In this class, I can't talk much! Sebab kalau buat camtu, ia seolah-olah seperti saya bercakap dengan papan hitam atau dinding. There are rules to teach this kind of students~ give them sumthing to write, sampai penuh papan hitam, then only they won't play around and talk much! I did try to explain what I wrote on the black board, but, the result wasn't so cheering and encouraging. Bila tanya cikgu2 yang ngaja kelas mcm ni...rupanya apa yang dierang buat hanyalah menulis dengan sepenuh hati di black board, bior jek budak copy! Senangnya keje cikgu, kalau macam tu kan? But, tell u what...doing that gives me no satisfaction at all! Sangatlah tidak best...huhuhuh...

11.08: I released my students back to their own class. Namun, tidak kusangka-sangka, terjadinya perang di tengah hari. Two my students gaduh bagai nak gila di luar makmal. Yang si sepet dah kena tungging kepala kat meja, bertumbuk sakan ngan budak itam! Saya dengan lagak machonya bertempik kat budak2 tu. Skali tempik, aik...nampak macam takde kesan jek pun. Lalu dengan gagahnya, i pulled the budak itam yang tengah best je membelasah si sepet tadik. Ok, nampak macam dah lerai dah. Dengan tak disangka2, budak itam tu angkat kerusi plastik kaler biru nak hempuk kat si sepet tadik! Masyaallah...dengan keberanian terlampau, saya tahan kerusi tuh, tarik dari tangan dia...(isk...dalam hati, hanya Allah jek tahu gabranya cikgu ni..). I sought for help la pastuh. Sib baik nampak ada cikgu laki kat situ. Terus ku jerit suruh mai and bawak budak2 tu pi bilik disiplin! Sumpah, pastuh, both of my hands shaking bagai nak gila! Che takuttttt....:(

Aku tak kira!!! Aku nak kluaq from this school!!!huhuhuhu...


MayaEnd said...

Banyakkan bersabar yer Fida. Cepat2 hantar application nak tukar ngajar kat sekolah lain, ngeri gak dengar cerita mcm tue...Ingatkan masing2 guna bahasa masing2 jer ini tak - boleh gaduh....

zazaazhar said...

perghhhh!!! wella, caya lah hng che! brani & garang! extra careful ya, scary laaa tu yang aku tak mo jdk cikgu..apa2 pun tabik spring la kat cikgu! :)

d i d a said...

isk. tak dpt imagine if kami kat tmpt hampa.plg kuat pun kami wat x nmpak je..takut nak interrupt kang jadi case.nauzubillah.

apapun, sabar byk2 n always think positive k. caiyuk2!

Cik Pidda said...

mekasih guys...itu la pasal...tak tahu cemana leh terberani ari tu.dah jadi tanggungjawab kot. kalau kena, kena la...nways, thank u for the du'a..harapnya dapat tukar cecepat...:)

Anonymous said...

wuiishh...dahsat nih cikgu2 sekarang...kena prepare mental & careful cikgu fida...semoga selamat sejahtera mengajq kat sana...

Mohd Afiq Ismail said...

kahkahkah....everytime aku bace entry ni mesti gelak. cayalah cikgu fida.

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