Cemana nak online untuk tukar ni? Website KPM dah kena hacked by one hacker...:( Sedey tul la...Tarikh tutup dah dekat. I haven't registered yet! I've been trying to get myself registered for thousand of times already, tapi JPN/KPM system doesn't allow me to do so, as my data has not been uploded to the IMES system yet! Lambatnya keje org Gomen..:( Due date to send the application hardcopy to my principal dah dekat. Clerk tu cakap, by 20th of April, all the application forms will be submitted to principal to get the endorsement. Huhuhuhu...I don't want to wait another 6 months! I've been putting my extra effort, calling few schools in Selangor (SBPs), asking all the PKs on the teachers vacancy, and dengan hati yang sungguh gembira mendapat berita yang sungguh mengujakan yang sekolah itu mmg memerlukan guru yang boleh mengajar subjek itu...uwahhhhh...why now? Why not after April?????
I have few notes to whom it may concern (if u happen to read my entry, pleaseee...pleaseee...am begging you to fix back what you've done):
Dear hacker, I would appreciate if you could fix back things to the way it should be. I really am in desperate condition, and my hubby needs me by his side...:) If not, dia akan cari yg lain...huhuhuh...(yg ni I exxegerate je..mati la kalau hubby I baca..:) If you wish to be the savior of my life...now this is the time! Hihihihi...Later, I blanja you KFC, or Pizza, or Ayamas...I know, it's pretty hard to get those food at your place, aight? Or, if you are soooo demanding, then i'll treat you wif something else...How bout TGIF, or dinner at La' Meridien hotel, the place where me and husband are supposed to go to celeberate our anniversary. It's ok...you can ganti his place if you want to...as long as you fix back the website and I can do my transfer application ASAP! Pleasee...
Hihihih...I know, this sounds so ridiculous! I have no choice...:(
To En Suami, forgive me ye syayang...:) U know how I am...I kan suka talk talk nonsense! hihihi...oklah guys, nak pegi tgk fave series ni...Chow!!
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