Cemana nak online untuk tukar ni? Website KPM dah kena hacked by one hacker...:( Sedey tul la...Tarikh tutup dah dekat. I haven't registered yet! I've been trying to get myself registered for thousand of times already, tapi JPN/KPM system doesn't allow me to do so, as my data has not been uploded to the IMES system yet! Lambatnya keje org Gomen..:( Due date to send the application hardcopy to my principal dah dekat. Clerk tu cakap, by 20th of April, all the application forms will be submitted to principal to get the endorsement. Huhuhuhu...I don't want to wait another 6 months! I've been putting my extra effort, calling few schools in Selangor (SBPs), asking all the PKs on the teachers vacancy, and dengan hati yang sungguh gembira mendapat berita yang sungguh mengujakan yang sekolah itu mmg memerlukan guru yang boleh mengajar subjek itu...uwahhhhh...why now? Why not after April?????
KPM website being hacked!
Hectic Months
Wah...It's been ages since I last put an entry here. Quite hectic wif tight schedule, new duty which has been assigned to me. Saya sekarang dilantik menjadi guru pengawas dalam Badan Disiplin. It's pretty tough coz prefects yang ada takde la sumanya boleh diharap. I have tons of plans/proposals to be put forward to Lembaga Disiplin untuk improve kekurangan yang sedia ada ni. Kalau boleh, taknak lagi ada prefect yang tak respect teachers, apperancewise tak terjaga, academic ntah ke mana-mana...Owh, banyaknya kejaku!!
Last week, I was busy helping my students and other colleagues decorated our rumah sukan~ Hang Kasturi. A very tiring job, I must say...Saya berkampung di sekolah till dawn just to ensure everything is done accordingly to plan. But then, ada jugak makhluk-makhluk Allah yang sentiasa tidak tahu berterima kasih. Try to be appreciative instead of condemning other people hard work. Saya bukan tidak boleh menerima kritikan. Boleh...but in a polite and nice way. Bukannya susah sangat pun kan?
Sumtimes, bila jadi menda camnih, I really miss my former job. During that time, when I made mistakes, yes...my superior would definitely criticize of whatever I've done wrong. But, honestly, saya boleh terima suma itu dengan hati yang sangat terbuka. Saya tahu itu untuk kebaikan diri sendiri. I think, those people yang suka sangat condemn sangat kerja orang lain...you guys should learn how to put words in a proper way so that takde orang yang akan terasa hati. Melayus will always be Melayu. Susah btul kan? Saya sangat rindukan moments ketika di Utusan, BCM and Western Digital. Those places really thought me how to be plucky, spirited, courageous in saying out loud whatever I feel or what I want to say. I guess, sebab tu kot sekarang ni saya dah tak takut untuk bercakap di assembly, di hadapan 2000++ students and teachers. Hihihihi...
FYI, bukan setakat guru pengawas, tugas saya juga merangkap:
1. Guru tingkatan kedua 3 Gemilang (kelas yang sangat famous dengan masala ponteng..)
2. Guru disiplin
3. Guru kelab netball a.k.a coach netball
4. Guru taekwando
5. Guru subjek KH and Moral (sangatlah tidak mencabar minda..:()
p/s: my teaching hours dah direducekan from 24 to 20. yep..yep..yep..
Oklah..jgn boring ye baca entry saya kali ni...