Taddaaaa!!!Nice tak my new blog design? Thanks to Simply Fabulous for creating such beautiful templates and, guess what..I got this for FREE!!
I've spent one whole day, sitting in front of this lappy, staring at the monitor, ignoring others including my hubby (which i think I should be spending my quality time with him as he'll be goin back to KL this Sunday), having late lunch around 4.30 in the evening, click here and there, just to satisfy and convince myself that I've done my best to ensure this blog looks more refreshing, more colourful than before. And I guess, I have successfully made it!
I should be writing a project proposal which needs to be submitted to principal this Monday, with regards to anything that can benefit our school. And here I am...doin nothing but blogging! Hehehehe..:) Eh, tak..tak..my former career taught me how to be a multitasker...So, while customizing this blog, and writing an entry at the same time...I manage to download few professional proposal templates which am absolutely going to use later. Boleh jek nak pakai simple Ms Word, but I really really want to impress the management and prove them that DPLI teachers have the quality that they're looking for.
So, oklah..to peeps, enjoy while browsing to my new look of peachpidda's blog!
I really heart blogging!
Wah...sudah lama tidak menghapdetkan diri dan blog ini.To my readers...thank you so very much for your patience ya..Chek tatau la pasai apa chek maleh sangat sangat nak tulis menda kat sini. Rasanya kena serang syndrome takde idea kot. Punyalah lama dok stare depan computer..hampeh,satu menda pun tak kuaq. Asal chek taip ja...pastu padam balik!apa kona nye ni??
Nway, here's some updates on the what i've gone thru' since the last few weeks:
1. Posting result dah dapat. I did request for Selangor, and they gave me Penang...:(.So, conclusionnya, am officially a distant wifey to en suami, effective 12 January 2009. So now, we both (husband n wife) jadi weekend partner, hujung minggu baru leh jumpa. How pathetic kan?
2. Thank you to JPN for putting me in a school where most of the teachers serve for only few months, or a year to the longest. Don't ask me why, as I, myself taktau nak explain cemana situation and environment at that school. Chek nak mintak tukaq nanti..Tak kira!!!!
3. Just came back from Langkawi, where SOKSEK batch 97 had conducted a reunion after ages tak ketemu. I met quite a number of soksekians there..kak Daz, kak Lin, kak Nina, few abangs2 and their spouses. Best jugak bila lama tak jumpa ni..Next plan would be GOLD COAST! So, kena start kumpul duit dah skarang nih..:)..To kakak2 and abang2 soksek yg lain, kalau baca my blog ni,come la and join us!
Experienced problem when uploading my photos here. Will do that sooner ok..
Keboringan tahap gaban...:(
Chek maleh nak menaip..maleh nak menghapdetkan blog ni.Huhuhuhu...
Kengkawan,please bear with my current condition ya...Chek rasa ni mesti sebab en suami jauh di mata.Ntah hape la dia wat sikalang...:(
Welcome friends...
Introducing "Memoirs of An Educationalist...plus A Distant Wife...". Later i update lagi k...hihihihi